Remote bridge safety monitoring system
How do you ensure the safety of the bridges when there is typhoon, flood and earthquake? There were accidents due to lack of control or short response time. It is obvious that it will be impossible if we want to have full monitoring to all the bridges in specific time frame manually. We definitely need to install an effective remote bridge safety monitoring system in order to avoid those regrettable incidents
FWS integrated our WiTDM and WiBONE wireless systems to fulfill these special demands of bridge safety monitoring measures by providing the best solution for images and data transmission. In our system, WiTDM is capable of transmitting high bandwidth and long distance for both video and audio. Further to that, WiBONE has the centralized cross network management system to make the setting and management easier and can be executed remotely. These are all our leading technology advantages to help you ensure a reliable remote monitoring system for bridge safety.
In actual installation, you can install FWS KW-8000 series WiTDM outdoor bridge as the long range backbone for your system. Having KW-6000 series WiBONE as subnet to monitor your equipments set at the bridges for flood level or the damage of bridges and sent those precious data/videos via our wireless network system back to control center miles away to provide immediate repair, control and protection to vehicles or pedestrians